
cooling down 【體育】準備活動。

cooling drink

Mulched areas usually warm up more slowly in the spring and cool down slowly in autumn 農地膜區域春天一般不容易熱,秋天也不容易涼。

Remember to do warm up and cool down ( stretching ) exercise before and after each exercise 每次運動前后,必須做足熱身及緩和運動;

Afterwards let cool down the welding areas while still clamped in for as long as recommended 之后仍然夾緊直到冷卻到熔接范圍要求

But not wanting it to cool down , he put it under the quilt to keep it warm 可是因為怕爸爸那碗面涼掉,所以放進了棉被底下保溫。

If it is too hot or too cold , we burn calories to cool down or heat up 如果天氣太熱或太冷,體內熱量的燃燒會使人體降溫或升溫。

A heated argument can be settled better if both sides cool down first 如果雙方都先冷靜下來,激烈的爭執可以處理得好一些。

You know , cool down 你知道,冷靜一下

A heated argument can be settled better if both sides cool down first 如果雙方先冷靜下來,一場激烈的爭論會解決得好些。

? cool down , papa ? 冷靜,爸爸

I ' m sure he just went off to look for a nice . . . mud hole to cool down in 我相信他肯定剛剛出去想去找個爛泥洞冷靜一下

I ' m sure he just went off to iook for a nice . . . mud hole to cool down in 我相信他肯定剛剛出去想去找個爛泥洞冷靜一下

I ' m sure he just went off to look for a nice . mud hole to cool down in 我相信他肯定剛剛出去想去找個爛泥洞冷靜一下

I thought you ' d never cool down after what harold said to you 我本來以為哈羅德告訴你那些事后,你決不會漠然置之的。

I ' m sure he just went off to iook for a nice . mud hole to cool down in 我相信他肯定剛剛出去想去找個爛泥洞冷靜一下

The toefl fever has cooled down 托福熱降溫了

I ' m waiting for it to cool down 我在等水涼了

After cooling down , you can activate the motor function again 溫度下降之后. . .你可以讓這顆狗屎電變恢復原有的功能

Heat it up when it gets cool down 涼了再熱一下

Walk away from the situation temporarily till you cool down 暫時抽身離開那讓你憤怒的處境,好使情緒得到平伏。